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Welcome to Sublette Farmer’s Elevator Company! On the 15th day of February 1919 a number of farmers from the vicinity of Sublette, IL gathered together at the town hall for the purpose of considering the advisability of organizing a Farmers Elevator Company. Fifty representative farmers were in attendance at the meeting and it was found to be their unanimous opinion that a Farmers Elevator Company should be organized in Sublette.
On the 4th day of April an application for permission to organize the Sublette Farmer’s Elevator Company, with a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars was filed with the Illinois Secretary of State.
The object for which the corporation was formed was the buying and selling of grains, coal, lumber, building materials, hay, straw, livestock and all other merchandise and commodities used by farmers: To buy, build, lease or otherwise acquire, operate and maintain elevators, warehouses, sheds, cribs and other buildings and also the land upon which they may be located: and to do a general forwarding commission and brokerage business.
The organizational meeting was held on April 19th, 1919. The company purchased the JW Betendorf elevator located in Sublette later that year. The location of the elevator warehouses along the tracks of the Illinois Central Railroad gave it an ideal location to bring in lumber, building materials, salt and coal and also to ship commodities such as grain and livestock out to remote markets.
Over the years the elevator’s focus has shifted to the drying, storage and merchandizing of grain. It now has a grain storage capacity in excess of 3,000,000 bushels, with a new facility started in 1997 just outside of Sublette on Inlet Rd. The elevator still operates a lumber and building material business and supplies local famers with feed, seed and fertilizer.
Operating as a cooperative for over 94 years, the elevator is owned by area farmers and its profits are distributed back, to stockholders based on the amount of business that they have transacted with the company.